A former UKIP Candidate alerted us to this. It was also the subject of an article submitted by Mona McNee to The Lantern, magazine of the British Housewives' League.

The (U.N.) Millennium Assembly

The following is not a hoax. You can check it on the internet: http://www.un.org/millennium/documents.

Beginning on Saturday, 2 September 2000 the United Nations Millennium Assembly plans to celebrate the emergence of the new One World Government (OWG) under the U.N.

This particular UN assembly will be the largest gathering of heads of states ever assembled in the history of the world. This assembly has been carefully designed to change the world forever and will set the world on a course of global governance under the authority of the United Nations.

The new scheme of global governance will empower, and fund, the United Nations to be the supreme governmental authority on the planet. Selected NGOs (non-government organizations), called civil society, will take their place as both representatives of the people, and implementors of U.N. policies. More than 130 international organisations, called IGOs (inter-governmental organisations), will be consolidated as direct administrative agencies of the new U.N. system. National governments will become administrative units, reporting through the appropriate IGOs, to the supreme authority of the U.N. (So MPs will just be civil servants, not our representatives.)

In light of the above actions planned by the U.N., issues (domestic and otherwise) now being debated (Ulster, pensions) are of no little or no consequence, because in every case, without exception, the various and sundry United Nations plans will over-ride every situation now being debated. So the much-reported debates, the Good Friday photocalls, etc.are just a diversion to make us think our government still has some powers.

The overall theme of the September Assembly is "The United Nations in the 21st Century", with proposed sub-topics:

  1. Peace and security, including disarmament
  2. Development, including poverty eradication
  3. Human rights
  4. Strengthening the U.N.

The Assembly is seen as "an opportunity to spur new political momentum for the international co-operation and solidarity that the peoples of the world increasingly demand.". When you look at other themes proposed for discussion, the changes will affect every aspect of our lives, and democracy will be dead. We shall be mere pawns controlled by the U.N. (and the bankers), by means of the press and TV.

The report of the Secretary-General May 1999 included 19 proposals. A blueprint was published by the
Commission on Global Governance in 1995. Now a Charter for Global Democracy was made available to the public (with no fanfare!) on UN Day, October 24 1999. This has already been signed by influential leaders in 56 nations - so has someone signed the UK into all this? If so, who signed? The document is, in reality, a charter for the abolition of individual freedom. In the European Union our vote is one in 350 million, but in the UN it will be one in 5 or 6 billion!

The Charter for Global Democracy contains 12 Principles:

1. The consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the U.N.
2. The regulation by the UN of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an 'international code of conduct' concerning the environment and labour standards.
3. Establishment of an independent source of revenue for the UN, such as the "Tobin tax" [tax on currency dealings] and taxes on aircraft and shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons. The "global commons" are defined to be 'outer space, the atmosphere, non-territorial seas, and the related environment that supports human life'.
4. Elimination of the veto power and permanent member status on the Security Council.
5. A standing UN army.
6. UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies "as part of a multilateral global security system" under the authority of the UN.
7. Individual and national compliance with all UN "Human Rights" treaties and declarations.
8. An International Criminal Court, making the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations, and giving individuals the right to petition the courts to remedy social injustice.
9. A new institution to establish economic and environmental security by ensuring "sustainable development".
10. The establishment of an International Environmental Court.
11. A declaration that climate change is an essential global security interest that requires the creation of a "high level action team" to allocate carbon emission based on equal per-capita rights.
12. The cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for "equitable sharing of global resources", as allocated by the United Nations.

If influential people of 56 nations have already signed up to this, they have done so with no referenda and seemingly without the electorate even knowing about it, or it would have filtered through to the world press. (Or would it?). Most of these Principles would require a referendum for each one. The bureaucracy in the European Union is bad enough, with fraud rising up from £5 bn to £6+ billion. The potential for fraud in this UN monolith is limitless and will be uncontrollable.


The Secretary-General in his May 1999 report called for "further intensified discussions" but these must all be secret, behind closed doors, and unknown to the unsuspecting public, because they are getting no publicity on TV etc..

We shall have a General Election in May 2001 if not before. Before that, there is a conference in Nice in December that will hammer the final nails into the coffin of our sovereignty and freedom, but before THAT comes this Millennium Assembly with its all-embracing Charter. Arrogant, powerful know-alls suffering from mind-boggling hubris, have decided they can run the world. Any government that runs just one country well right now will be doing well, never mind running the whole world.

We must act as a United Kingdom, urgently.

How can decisions made without telling us, be valid?